This note sets out approaches to reform which start with identifying the shortcomings in results and which then look for pragmatic solutions that fit the particular context: no best practice, fewer universal...
An important objective of any Human Resource Management (HRM) system in Government is to motivate staff to perform well. This GET note looks at several HRM levers that Governments have at their disposal...
This note sets out key ideas from recent discussions inside and outside the Bank on how donors can support governments more effectively in delivering results in Public Sector Management (PSM) reforms...
Many Governments wrestle with the issue of designing an appropriate set of human resource practices to motivate public servants to perform. Identifying the right set of practices for the public sector...
A growing number of countries now manage their senior public servants within a distinct human resource management (HRM) regime with tailored recruitment, management, and remuneration practices which differ...
The objective of this paper is to provide a review of the theoretical and, in particular, empirical literature on performance-related pay in the public sector spanning the fields of public administration...
At its heart, a performance orientation in the public sector is a predisposition to make promises and an ability to deliver them. Some of the key ideas behind this are: 1) responsiveness - reducing the...
The book identifies four categories of performance budgeting, namely direct performance budgeting, performance informed budget (PIB), opportunistic performance budgeting and presentational performance...
Nearly every personnel and pay system has some slack in it, either fiscal excess or staff positions (vacant or otherwise) that are not essential. The key is to look for targeted measures that produce savings...
There has always been a diversity of organizational forms within the public sector. However, in some countries organizational diversification has increased significantly through the distribution of government...
Mexico, like other Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) governments, is committed to improving the performance of the public sector. An important first step is to gather objective information that...
In the Russian context, administrative reform denotes reforms connected to the structure, machinery and functions of government; approaches to managing government performance (strategic planning, performance...
Настоящая книга подготовлена командой Всемирного банка по просьбе Правительства Российской Федерации. В ходе ее написания использовались результаты обсуждений на ряде семинаров, проведенных в декабре 2001 года...
В российском контексте под административной реформой понимаются преобразования, связанные со структурой, механизмами деятельности и функциями правительства; подходы к управлению эффективностью деятельности...
В настоящем отчете представлена оценка международных подходов и опыта проведения программных и функциональных обзоров как элемента программы административной реформы. В статье рассмотрены двадцать пять...
This background paper presents an assessment of international approaches to, and experiences of undertaking program and functional reviews as part of an administrative reform program. The paper examines...
The paper cover two broad themes in the recent reform of fiscal and economic management in Afghanistan. The first part, The Journey So Far, sets out the impressive policy and institutional reforms that...
The public administration context in Afghanistan is characterized by a high degree of informality, weak central government agencies, extremely limited human resource capacities across Government departments...
This paper provides a historical overview of the role and framework of governance assessment in World Bank operations, as well as an informative, process oriented and technical description of the design...
This guide has three objectives: First and foremost, it seeks to provide newcomers to the Administrative and political scene in Afghanistan with a basic guide to the structures and processes of government...