This summary report aggregates three activities conducted in the Presov region of Slovak Republic under the second phase of the catching-up region initiative (CuRI) joint cooperation program between the...
This document summarizes the methodology, findings, recommendations, and discussion from the main report, as well as background context on the Slovak Republic catching-up regions initiative (SR CuRI)...
The development objective of Second Skills Development Project for Afghanistan is to increase the potential for employment and higher earnings of graduates from Vocational Education and Training institutions...
The objective of the European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy is to narrow development gaps and reducedisparities between member countries and regions. To this extent, around 461 billion Euros of European Structural...
In response to a request from the Government of Egypt, the World Bank undertook the analysis of selected sectoral issues in education and health. The objective of the analytical task was to inform policies...
Kuwait has focused on increasing student learning outcomes by improving the quality of education in the country. An effective student assessment system is an important input to improving education quality...