Over the two decades preceding the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, tourism became one of the most important drivers of economic growth across the Pacific. The COVID-19 crisis had a devastating...
Over the two decades preceding the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, tourism became one of the most important drivers of economic growth across the Pacific. The COVID-19 crisis had a devastating...
COVID-19 created a dynamic shock to the international tourism industry, with the related health concerns and travel restrictions impacting travelers' perceptions of risk. Among the most affected economies...
Tourism has been, and continues to be, one of the most affected sectors by the pandemic, resulting in negative socio-economic consequences for host communities in destinations as well as for underlying...
Tropical Cyclone Yasa crossed Fijion December 17th-19th, 2020.The cyclone was one of the strongest cyclones recorded in the Pacific and the second category 5 cyclone to hit Fiji amid the COVID-19 pandemic...
A national-level strategy focusing on high value market segments could help cushion the blow of the pandemic for the wider Fijian tourism sector and increase forecasted earnings. Developing tourism in...
COVID-19 is affecting nearly 47.7 million travel and tourism jobs across South Asia, many held by women and vulnerable communities working in the informal sector. Losses of over US$50 billion in gross...
The Fijian government understands that the economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted businesses, both large and small, across Fiji. In order to better help businesses during...
The travel and tourism industry was one of the first sectors to be affected by COVID-19. Since March, the entire value chain that defines the industry — spanning airlines, bus and train companies, cruise...
In today’s hypercompetitive market for international travelers, a holistic and nuanced understanding of which travelers best align with destination travel offerings is necessary. A full picture of the...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the Fiji Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism (MITT), conducted a study of the sourcing of...