In 2021, a series of Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) publications featured success stories from microfinance institutions (MFIs) implementing digital products and channels, along with the...
Digital technology has greatly expanded access to financial services over the past decade. Yet even today, the range and quality of services available to low-income customers remain limited because of...
This paper is organized as follows: section one briefly presents the structure of MFS implementations and in particular the four key roles which must be fulfilled. Section two describes the case study...
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the lowest level of access to finance of any region in the world, with an average banked population of only 24 percent (Findex 2012). The region's banking systems are small...
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the lowest level of access to finance of any region in the world, with an average banked population of only 24 percent (Findex 2012). The region's banking systems are small...
Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest level of access to finance of any region in the world with an average banked population of only 24 percent. A business model for advancing access to finance examines the...
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the lowest level of access to finance of any region in the world, with an average banked population of only 24 percent (Findex 2012). The region's banking systems are small...
Despite fluctuations in gross domestic product (GDP) between 2005-2009, long term macroeconomic indicators suggest steady growth (6 percent) through 2013 despite continued elevated unemployment (10 percent)...
This guide presents practical advice to providers on how to build a viable network of agents, which is a critical component of a branchless banking service. This guide is based on more than a year of research...
Despite BI’s relatively advanced approach towards e-money, there are no outstanding examples of bank or nonbank providers in Indonesia successfully providing financial services to low-income customers...
This Focus Note looks at recent experience with guarantees of commercial loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs). Such loan guarantees are a form of insurance that covers a lender - typically a commercial...
This Focus Note looks at recent experience with guarantees of commercial loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs). Such loan guarantees are a form of insurance that covers a lender - typically a commercial...
This Focus Note looks at recent experience with guarantees of commercial loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs). Such loan guarantees are a form of insurance that covers a lender - typically a commercial...
A Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) took place in Nicaragua from February 13, 2005, to March 4, 2005, to analyze donor effectiveness in supporting microfinance. Overall, the...
A Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) took place in Nicaragua from February 13, 2005, to March 4, 2005, to analyze donor effectiveness in supporting microfinance. Overall, the...
Donor successes in Cambodia to date can be attributed to a shared vision of a commercial microfinance industry characterized by sustained deployment of skilled technical expertise; performance-based contracts;...