Natural hazards, climate change, conflicts, and disease outbreaks create complex challenges for countries and communities. These factors generate multifaceted threats to health systems, requiring robust...
Facilitating access to financial services is a core component of most economic inclusion programs, which aim to build resilience and create opportunities for poor and vulnerable households. These programs...
Managing the impacts of disasters in emerging markets is an urgent necessity as climate related shocks grow in frequency and intensity. Governments face fiscal constraints, and insurance penetration remains...
Cette note de politique consolide les points saillants d'une étude financée par le Programme de Protection Sociale Adaptative du Sahel (SASPP), explorant le rôle et l'opérationnalisation des registres...
This policy note consolidates the highlights of a study funded by the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP), exploring the role and operationalization of dynamic social registries in low-income...
This study examines service integration and case management practices for economic migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, and returnees, focusing on examples from seven countries. It analyzes these interventions...
In this brief the authors combine granular climate data on flooding, drought and extreme heat, and district level food insecurity data and conflict data, to produce district level estimates of the number...
Sustainable development experts and policy makers expect carbon markets to drive climate finance and help meet climate goals. Carbon pricing and carbon markets continue to evolve and grow. New schemes...
In spring 2024, the World Bank Group and the African Development Bank launched an ambitious effort to connect 300 million people in Africa with electricity access by 2030. The subsequent M300 Africa Energy...
Biodiversity is essential for ecological stability, human well-being, and economic progress, providing critical ecosystem services such as clean water, food, and climate regulation. However, it faces unprecedented...
Women constitute nearly half of the young working age-population in Nepal but are less likely than men to participate in the labor force. When employed, they work largely in informal, or subsistence work...
The World Bank’s Subnational Business Ready (Subnational B-READY) project, the successor to the Subnational Doing Business reports, offers a comprehensive framework for evaluating local business environments...
This note describes the effort to conduct a multidimensional rigorous impact evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit pilot Project and the Regional Express Train in Dakar, Senegal. This note is focused on...
In tomorrow’s world, the winners will inevitably be those who possess the knowledge to innovate and adapt to increasingly rapid technological advancements. In contrast, those who lack this knowledge will...
Access to finance and equal economic opportunities are crucial for female entrepreneurs, fostering business growth and economic participation. Drawing on interviews with key stakeholders involved in the...
Engaging teaching has emerged as a key approach to fostering children’s socio-emotional and cognitive skills. This policy note draws on findings of a recent comparative study on the LEGO Foundation’s Engage...
This paper examines parental benefits in Argentina, focusing on their role in addressing gender inequality and labor market challenges during pregnancy and post-childbirth. Drawing on the International...
The Red Sea crisis has emerged as a critical flashpoint of the conflict in the Middle East, upending global trade and maritime transport, port activity in the MENA region, and ecological balance of the...
This study compares two tools used to observe and assess how teachers support student learning: the LEGO Foundation’s Engage tool, formerly PLAY, and the World Bank’s Teach Primary tool. The goal was to...
This Brief highlights issues related to the education and skill level of workers and top managers in firms in 27 European Union countries (the EU-27), using the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES). The...