The World Bank Investment Climate Unit, in collaboration with the Global Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Growth Unit, developed a Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Incentives Database to address data gaps and meet...
The economy is projected to grow by 6 percent in 2024. Fiscal consolidation is expected to continue in the medium term, based on adjusting energy prices to cost recovery levels and reductions in tax benefits...
Tax revenue collection is essential to the state’s ability to address market failures, provide goods and services such as health and education, invest in infrastructure, stabilize the economy in response...
This manual is a contribution to the rich body of literature on tax expenditures and aim to inform policymakers and policy debates on tax expenditures reform. In doing so, it builds on the existing knowledge...
En octubre de 2021, se alcanzó un acuerdo internacional histórico de dos pilares entre 137 países miembros del Marco Inclusivo sobre BEPS de la OCDE/G20 para abordar el doble desafío de la globalización...
This paper articulates and, using newly-assembled data, explores how international taxation affects aggregate tangible cross-border investment. Spillovers from statutory tax rates abroad seem: As sizable...
This paper analyzes the distributional impact of the tax-benefit system in Bhutan. It makes two main contributions: first, this is the first substantive study of this kind in Bhutan, and second, due to...
The Progress Report 2022 of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax - a joint initiative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United...
The international framework for the taxation of multinational enterprises (MNEs) is under severe pressure. This article discusses the sources of this pressure and initiatives at the global level to maintain...
This note provides an overview to the Romanian Public Finance System, the way that the system is monitored in a micro-simulation tool to assess distributional aspects of fiscal policy, and the overall...
Ratings for the Tax Administration Reform Project for Kazakhstan were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
This presentation introduces a roadmap example: Part 1: Our approach to analyzing potential roadmap activities (i.e., projects) Part 2: Example of a mid-term tax administration roadmap (3 to 5 years)...
The Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) gives: Understanding of operational outcomes; Benchmark for before and after comparisons; Mechanism to ask for information for ITAS development;...
This inaugural issue of the World Bank Group s Global Investment Competitiveness Report presents novel analytical insights and empirical evidence on foreign direct investments (FDI) drivers and contributions...
Ratings of First Economic and Fiscal Resilience Development Policy Operation Project for Papua New Guinea were as follows: overall outcome was unsatisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly satisfactory...
The development objective of the Tax Administration Reform Project for Uzbekistan is to improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the State Tax Committee (STC) and increase voluntary compliance...