OXXO is Mexico’s leading convenience store chain and a subsidiary of the multinational beverage and retail company Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA). Like many companies worldwide, OXXO...
We measure the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis and the resulting lockdown on formal firms in Honduras, using monthly value-added tax records for January 2018 to August 2020. Firms' revenue...
This issue of Indonesia MTI Economic Note contains economic highlights, including: Indonesia’s economy expanded 5.3 percent yoy in Q2, higher than the 5.1 percent growth posted in Q1, the highest growth...
This study analyzes gender differences in labor productivity in the formal private sector, using data from 128 mostly developing economies. The results reveal a sizable unconditional gap, with labor productivity...
Access to and usage of payment services are important objectives within private and public sector efforts to enhance financial inclusion. Electronic payments (often now also referred to as "digital payments")...
The objective of the exercise is to enable participants to approach professional ethics training and education in a practical way, by analyzing threats that arise and selecting an appropriate course of...
Recent firm-level survey data collected by the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys (ES) shows that about a quarter of all Malaysian firms have a female top manager. Female top managers are more likely to be...
Partnership for growth: linking large firms and agro-processing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) presents lessons learned from various models utilized by public and private sector programs to stimulate...
In Turkey, only 16 percent of small and medium enterprises are majority-owned by women.1 If women participated fully in the labor force, the Turkish Gross National Income could increase by 22 percent...
The majority of enterprises in many developing countries have no paid workers. This paper reports on a field experiment conducted in Sri Lanka that provided wage subsidies to randomly chosen microenterprises...
Payroll taxes in Sweden were reduced substantially for people ages 26 years or younger on July 1, 2007. The objective of this tax cut was to lower youth unemployment. The question of how gains from payroll...
This document provides guidance for policy makers and industry actors interested in promoting more efficient and interoperable B2B payments infrastructure to expand financial services along supply chains...
A recent survey of rigorous impact evaluations of programs to help small and medium-size firms to formalize indicates that the programs do not seem to work for most informal firms. One of the few exceptions...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) global daily economic news are as follows: high income economies; and developing economies in East Asia...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) daily economic news are as follows: financial markets; high income economies; and developing economies in...
An Enterprise Survey is a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy’s private sector. The surveys cover a broad range of business environment topics including access to finance, competition...
This paper uses firm-level data for 87 developing countries to analyze how the likelihood of a firm having female vs. male top manager varies across sectors. The service sector is often considered to be...
This brief talks about the performance of Idea Cellular Limited (Idea) is the fastest growing telecom service provider in India. In February 2007, Idea engaged in an initial public offering to raise the...
In fiscal year 2010-11, India's economy has expanded at a rate close to that observed prior to the global financial crisis. However, growth in the second half of the year slowed, and the performance of...
Recently obtained enterprise surveys data indicate that senior managers in Indonesia spend the least amount of time dealing with the requirements of government regulations when compared to countries in...