This guide addresses the variety of infrastructural investments that are likely to provide the highest value for improving the performance of Irrigation &Drainage (I&D) as part of the efforts to innovate...
The development objective of the Water Security Project for Burkina Faso is to improve the safety of dams, access to associated irrigation and watershed services, and climate resilience for beneficiaries...
The development objective of Water Emergency Relief Project for Afghanistan is to improve access to safe drinking water and irrigation water services in selected rural areas. This project has four components...
Ratings for the Large-Scale Irrigation Modernization Project for Morocco were as follows: the outcome was moderately satisfactory, bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
The development objective of the Resilient Agriculture, Irrigation, and Land Project for Georgia is to: (a) improve irrigation, and drainage (I and D) services, and agricultural production in project areas;...
Accelerating impacts from climate change have added to severe drought and flood cycles in South Africa, worsened by COVID-19 impacts on the economy, rising unemployment and escalating food prices. The...
Анализ состояния орошаемых земель Казахстана показывает, что их продуктивность из года в год снижается из-за: уменьшения запасов гумуса, увеличения токсичных солей, ощелачивания и осолонцевания почв, неправильного...
The development objective of the Sindh Barrages Improvement Project for Pakistan is to strengthen the Sindh Irrigation Department’s capacity to operate and manage barrages and improve the reliability and...
Farmers in a rural community in Kandahar Province are seeing an increase in land productivity since the rehabilitation of the village’s water canal. The project to improve and extend the village water...
Previously un-cultivable lands are now producing good harvests as a result of the reconstruction of an ancient irrigation canal, benefiting hundreds of families. The rehabilitation of the irrigation system...
The rehabilitation of irrigation systems in Kandahar Province has led to an increase in agricultural productivity and a significant rise in farmers’ incomes. The rehabilitation projects are being carried...
Improved water management as a result of the construction of standardized irrigation canals is leading to better crop yield and quality in Bamyan Province. The project to standardize canals is one of 13...
The reconstruction of canal systems in Bamyan Province is enabling farmers to increase productivity of their lands through better irrigation as well as improve living standards through hydro-powered electricity...
From renewable energy to hydropower to waste management, water is an inherent component of Kosovo’s energy strategy and fundamental to the World Bank Group’s energy engagement in the country. The World...
On June 21, 2007, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a loan in the amount of 145 million dollars to support the West Delta Conservation and Irrigation Rehabilitation Project.
This news release, dated May 31, 1977, announces the irrigation and drainage systems in Central, West, and East Java will be improved under projects being financed by two World Bank loans totaling 98 million...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved a loan of seventeen million US dollars to the Philippines to help finance an irrigation rehabilitation and extension project in Central Luzon...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved two loans totaling one hundred twenty-four million US dollars to help finance two irrigation projects in Mexico on February 21, 1974. One loan...