Are firms adapting to climate change? This paper studies this question by combining geocoded World Bank Enterprise Survey data with spatially granular weather data to estimate temperature response functions...
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has evolved significantly over the past fifteen years. Demand for ICSID’s services has grown in concert with an increase in foreign...
A new report from the World Bank Group focuses on the trends in foreign direct investment (FDI), which encompasses foreign investment in new or existing firms and production facilities. FDI is a subset...
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) promotes foreign investment by providing an impartial and effective mechanism for resolving disputes between foreign investors and the...
The World Bank has a large portfolio of investments supporting entrepreneurship. These investments are spread across countries in different regions, with varying income levels, and in various World Bank...
Inequality of opportunity leads to misallocation of human capital and can affect economies via its impact on individual economic decision making. This paper studies the impact of inequality of opportunity...
Ethiopia has made remarkable economic progress over the past decade, achieving high gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and dramatically reducing poverty. Despite this success, current gender gaps show...
Faith-based mutual funds have recently become a growing corner of the mutual fund industry. Morality and ethics are thought to exert an influence on investors’ decisions in this segment, although their...
Ratings of Investment and Trade Reforms Development Policy Financing Project of Indonesia were as follows: overall outcome was moderately satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly satisfactory...
En esta presentación se analiza cómo fortalecer la inversión en infraestructura en Paraguay y los usos Experiencias internacionales y lecciones aprendidas de México.
This report discusses the remarks delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the 2022 spring meetings. He discusses on debt work for development which is critical for the World Bank’s mission...
La estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la gestión de la inversión pública a nivel subnacional de Chile, enfocada en las regiones de Ñuble y La Araucanía, contempla una revisión integral de todas las...
This paper describes the potential approaches for institutional investors and asset managers to align their investment strategies for emerging markets with the Sustainable Development Goals through environmental...
The purpose of the Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing (the guidelines) is to set out the World Bank’s procedures and requirements for disbursement of funds in projects. Specifically...
On December 6, 2007, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today endorsed a new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Ukraine covering the period of 2008-2011. The CPS outlines the priorities...
On October 22, 2007, Mexico today took an important step closer to full membership in the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a member of the World Bank Group.
On June 27, 2006, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz today made the following announcement on responsibilities of his Managing Directors and integration of the organization.
This news release, dated August 23, 2005, announces pension systems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are under growing financial stress and urgently need reform, according to a new World Bank...