Conflict in Somalia has left the country with basic or badly damaged physical and social infrastructure; however, limited revenues and access to financing have prevented reconstruction. Public investment...
The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, which began February 24, 2022, has caused significant civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure and productive assets, and has taken a severe human...
Вторгнення Російської Федерації в Україну, яке розпочалося 24 лютого 2022 року, спричинило значні жертви серед цивільного населення та пошкодження інфраструктури та виробничих активів, а також завдало...
These RAP 2021 updates offer in-depth data on performance and outcomes ratings for every Region and World Bank Practice Group. Each update includes trend analyses; a breakdown of ratings by instrument...
The Infrastructure and Institutions Emergency Recovery Project of Haiti to rehabilitate the section of the Cap-Haitien Labadie road is part of the emergency infrastructure and institutional rehabilitation...
This brief focuses on the Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project, which was launched on September 25th at a ceremony attended by over 400 representatives from donor communities, international organizations...
The Plan PAZcifico: WSS Infrastructure & Service Delivery Project of Colombia aims to (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban areas in the municipalities...
The objective of the West Africa Regional Communications Infrastructure (WARCIP) Project is to increase the geographical coverage of high-bandwidth networks and to reduce the costs of communications services...
The Ibarra Transport Infrastructure Improvement Project of Ecuador Development Objective (PDO) is to improve accessibility in the Municipality of Ibarra and enhance mobility within its recreational and...
The Second Phase of the Infrastructure and Local Development Program Project is implemented as part of a program known as Public Interest Works for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Employment (TIPPEE)...
The objective of Emergency Infrastructure Renewal Project for Cote d'Ivoire is to improve access to basic infrastructures in targeted urban and rural areas. Most of the activities funded under the project...