The Project’s largest investment is in the breakwater. The breakwater (sub-component 1a) is planned on an existing sandbar, which already in itself provides protection for the proposed port operations...
Ratings for the First Phase of the Coastal Embankment Improvement Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E)...
A exploração insustentável de areia não é, de todo, um problema exclusivo de STP. No entanto, os impactes da extracção descontrolada de inertes, são particularmente nefastos em STP, tanto a nível social...
The development objective of the First Jamuna River Sustainable Management Project for Bangladesh is to increase capacity for flood management and navigation along the Jamuna River. The project comprises...
Ratings for the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria (NEWMAP) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
This report investigates coastal erosion in the Maghreb part of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region focusing on: (a) understanding recent trends and hotspots of coastal erosion in Algeria, Libya...
The development objective of the Second West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project for Ghana, Gambia, The Guinea-Bissau, Stateless is to strengthen the resilience of targeted communities and...
The development objectives of the Kananga Emergency Urban Resilience Project for Democratic Republic of Congo are to safeguard houses and critical infrastructure affected by gully erosion in Kananga and...
The development objectives of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project for Uzbekistan are: (i) to improve the quality of basic infrastructure and (ii) to strengthen participatory local governance processes...
The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL)...
Orol dengizining qurigan tubi qariyb 60 000 km² maydonni egallaydi. Uning deyarli yarmi Oʼzbekistondagi 1,8 million aholi istiqomat qiladigan Qoraqalpogʼiston Respublikasida joylashgan. Soʼnggi bir necha...
Высохшее дно Аральского моря занимает площадь около 60 000 км2. Почти половина из этих земельрасположенана территории РеспубликиКаракалпакстан в Узбекистане, где проживает 1,8 миллиона человек. За последние...
This is a tip sheet for World Bank task teams on Illustrative Climate Change Actions on Adaptation Opportunities in Environment Projects.