This report presents the findings of a mixed methods assessment, drawing from stakeholder consultations and from nationally representative household surveys. It aims to provide a deeper contextual understanding...
Tech-EnableD Disability Inclusive Education (TEDDIE) is an instrument comprising a costing tool and an implementation toolkit to help policymakers estimate the cost of procuring, utilizing, and maintaining...
Tech-EnableD Disability Inclusive Education (TEDDIE) is an instrument comprising a costing tool and an implementation toolkit to help policy makers estimate the cost of procuring, utilizing, and maintaining...
This approach paper provides guidance to World Bank Education Task Team Leaders (TTLs), World Bank staff across sectors, and other stakeholders on how to ensure education sector operations become more...
In many low, and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world, lack of access to inclusive school infrastructure disproportionately affects girls, children with disabilities, and other disadvantaged...
Ratings of Accelerating Uzbekistan's Transition Development Policy Operation (DPO) Project for Uzbekistan were as follows: overall outcome was satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly satisfactory...
Around the globe a significant gap exists in the employment rates of people with and without disabilities. This report set out to explore the disability employment gap in Vietnam, with the inclusion of...
The National Plan for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities for the period 2021-2027, and the related Action Plan for 2021-2024, were formally endorsed by the Government of the Republic...
This Short Note aims to provide some practical tips for practitioners like World Bank task team leaders in implementing online gig work programs to enable vulnerable populations - such as youth, women...
This report presents the results of the Sectoral Recovery Capacity Assessment (SRCA) undertaken in Dominica to assess the capacity of the country’s tourism sector to plan, design, implement, monitor, and...
Fast and inclusive recovery efforts in the aftermath of disasters can lower social and economic burdens and allow a more rapid recovery of development levels. With climate change and the prospect of more...
Fast and inclusive recovery efforts in the aftermath of disasters can lower social and economic burdens and allow a more rapid recovery of development levels. With climate change and the prospect of more...
This report presents the results of the Sectoral Recovery Capacity Assessment (SRCA) undertaken in Antigua and Barbuda to assess the capacity of the country’s agriculture sector to plan, design, implement...
This report presents the results of the Sectoral Recovery Capacity Assessment (SRCA) undertaken in Grenada to assess the capacity of the country’s housing sector to plan, design, implement, monitor, and...
Often persons with disabilities are not even consulted about decisions that relate to or affect their lives. In line with the philosophy of the disability rights movement, which is built on the principle...
Raportul compară proiectul-pilot de evaluare a dizabilității din România cu cele din alte șase țări.Raportul prezintă o analiză comparativă între studiul-pilot de testare a modelului propus pentru evaluarea...
The report compares Romania's Disability Assessment pilot with six other countries. The report presents a comparative analysis of the disability assessment pilot testing carried out in Romania and similar...