The present study generates a specialized dataset of road sector contracts for Bank-financed projects in 14 countries of Europe and Central Asia. The data sample covers 200 completed or ongoing road works...
The study is based on a new specialized dataset generated for the road sector contracts of Bank-financed projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is organized as follows: Chapter two describes the data and a...
The Trung Son Hydropower Project aims to provide least-cost electric power to support Vietnam's further economic development and improvement of living standards through the development of hydropower resources...
Despite extensive road construction programs over the last century, a substantial proportion of roads remained unsealed especially in developing and emerging economies. As these economies develop, the...
The Third Rural Transport Project in Vietnam will focus on the rehabilitation of rural roads in the northern and central areas of the country. To this end, this environmental assessment (EA) reviews the...
This aide memoire summarizes the mission's findings and discussions with Government of India (GOI) and Government of Gujarat (GOG) officials. However, the conclusions and recommendations recorded here...
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank affiliate that supports private enterprise ventures in developing countries, making its first investment in Lesotho...
The Sugar Roads Project consists of (a) the detailed engineering and construction of 41 miles of bituminous surfaced and 4 miles of gravel surfaced main roads, of 118 miles of gravel surfaced feeder roads...
The Highway Construction Project for Nicaragua will assist in financing the construction of 266 kilometers of asphalt paved highways. There are approximately 2,415 kilometers of roads of all types in Nicaragua...