This report presents the findings of a rapid analysis of the current and possible adaptation practices in the agriculture and water sectors in Kazakhstan. The analysis included a review of the relevant...
The objective of the Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project for Pakistan is to increase agricultural productivity and improve water resources management throughout Sindh province through a...
The development objective of the Agriculture Resilience and Competitiveness Project for Burkina Faso is to increase agricultural productivity and market access for small producers and small and medium-size...
Understanding the determinants of agricultural productivity requires accurate measurement of crop output and yield. In smallholder production systems across low- and middle-income countries, crop yields...
Республика Таджикистан имеет ограниченные земельные ресурсы. Общая площадь страны составляет 143100 км2 из них 93% площади занимают горы. Общая площадь потенциально пригодных к орошению земель в стране...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
Most of the countries of the Western Balkans require major reforms to the overall institutional, policy, regulatory, and financial aspects of their water and agriculture sectors, which are at varying stages...
The development objective of the Irrigation for Climate Resilience Project for Uganda is to provide farmers in the project areas with access to irrigation and other agricultural services, and to establish...
This study supports the World Bank’s irrigation and agricultural sector clients in the Western Balkans region, especially regarding transitions and opportunities for the agricultural sector. For the purposes...
Investment in agricultural water management can potentially contribute to many of Albania’s development goals. Due to its continental Mediterranean environment, with four distinct seasons and relatively...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
This report was developed based on the information received from the INS and feedback from INS management and experts. Prior and during to the mission, the WB team received several relevant documents from...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...
The development objective of the Second Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness Project for Armenia is to: (i) improve productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems...