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Pakistan - Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project : Revised Social and Resettlement Management Plan of the Akram Wah Rehabilitation Subproject (синдхи)

The objective of the Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project for Pakistan is to increase agricultural productivity and improve water resources management throughout Sindh province through a series of projects. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: registered titled owners of land, if affected by permanent land acquisition for construction of hydraulic structures, will be compensated at market/replacement rates for...

Document also available in : синдхи, Урду, Английский


  • 2023/08/09

  • План переселения

  • SFG7470

  • 1

  • Пакистан,

  • Южная Азия,

  • 2023/08/09

  • Disclosed

  • Pakistan - Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project : Revised Social and Resettlement Management Plan of the Akram Wah Rehabilitation Subproject

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