The authors evaluate the global welfare consequences of increases in mortality and poverty generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Increases in mortality are measured in terms of the number of years of life...
In a globalized world, pandemics transmit impacts through markets. We document employment changes, coping strategies, and welfare of garment factory workers in Ethiopia’s largest industrial park during...
In recent years, developing countries have been growing much more rapidly than the industrial countries. This growth convergence has potentially very important implications for world food demand and for...
The authors develop a framework to conceptualize the multiple ways forests contribute to poverty reduction and inform development interventions in forest landscapes. The authors identify five key strategies...
This paper uses Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and related indexes to determine the optimal targeting strategy of a food voucher program for refugees. Estimations focus on the 2014 food...
Maize plays a leading role in the food security of millions in southern Africa, yet it is highly vulnerable to the moisture stress brought about by the erratic rainfall patterns that characterize weather...
This paper explores monthly, firm-level customs records from Laos in the period 2005-2010. The authors analyze the role of two important and related determinants of export survival, experience, and networks...
This paper investigates the impact of remittances on financial inclusion. Using household-level survey data for El Salvador, we examine whether remittances affect households' use of savings and credit...
Combining two unique data sets, this paper explores the relationship between financial structure and firms' access to financial services. Specifically, it considers the importance of three different types...
This article presents evidence of the failure of government intervention in rural credit markets of LDCs in the past three decades. It then shows how lessons for policy analysis can be drawn from modern...
Regional disparities in living standards within Brazil have received increasing attention in recent years. This paper indicates that although costs of living adjustments narrow spatial differences, large...
Easing the debt problem requires high-debt countries to generate significant trade and savings surpluses. If this has to be achieved quickly these surpluses can only be built up through contractive measures...
This paper analyzes policy responses to external shocks of the 1973-76 and 1979-81 periods in developing economies, grouped according to the level of industrialization and the policies applied. It is shown...
This paper reports on the analysis of data from Nepal. The farm households surveyed were chosen so that about half were in a region exposed to the newly-introduced training-and-visit (T & V) extension...
Approximately 55 percent of food and 60 percent of non-food agricultural exports of the developing countries are sold in industrial country markets. Market access is therefore important. While the developing...
This review covers the empirical research carried out over the past 30 years with respect to the process of development. It examines the extent to which economic theories and generalizations derived from...
Historically, very little attention has been devoted to assessing the costs and benefits of concessional loans vs. grants as the means of transferring resources to developing countries. This paper argues...
A general theory of distortions in product and in factor markets distinguishes between endogenous and policy-imposed distortions. The literature has tended to focus on policy-imposed distortions in product...
A general theory of distortions in product and in factor markets distinguishes between endogenous and policy-imposed distortions. The literature has tended to focus on policy-imposed distortions in product...
This paper looks at the changing pattern of trade in manufactured goods between the developed industrial countries and the developing countries. It first reviews recent changes in this trade and the policies...