The Review of WBI delivery partnerships focuses mainly on delivery partnerships in Part II countries and includes an analysis of both formal and informal delivery partners active in FY07 and FY08. The...
This evaluation for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) knowledge and learning committee identifies benefits of the Innovation Grant Program (IGP) and provides recommendations on how the administration of...
This review identified recommendations for improving the quality of future World Bank Institute (WBI) programs. This review identified suggestions for increasing data quality to support WBI's programmatic...
This paper summarizes the World Bank Institute's (WBI) performance from the viewpoint of operations in WBI's focus countries, the evaluation group of WBI surveyed 120 senior members of the Country Management...
This report examines the alignment of staff learning with World Bank business priorities, by the beginning of fiscal year 2006 (FY06), a combination of three conditions: the sophistication of middle-income...
In July 2002, the World Bank's Human Resources Services Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Group (HRSLO) launched a three-module program for newly appointed and recruited managers. This New Managers...
The World Bank Institute Evaluation Group (WBIEG) conducted a formative evaluation of the Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program to identify program strengths, opportunities for improvement, and demand...
Economic and sector work (ESW) advances the knowledge base of the development community because it produces knowledge for clients. ESW is valuable and useful also to Bank staff not engaged in the ESW but...
This study addresses the concern that the World Bank Institute Evaluation Group's (WBIEG) approach to evaluation of staff learning does not fairly or well characterize the Bank's training nor its overall...
Effective staff learning is of critical importance to the World Bank to ensure that personnel have the best mix of skills, behaviors, experience, and technical expertise for achieving the Bank's business...
The current work tests whether WBI's learning program effectiveness and impact changed over time in WBI's focus countries. This study is based on a regionally diverse sample with five time points, FY01-FY05...
The current work tests whether WBI's learning program effectiveness and impact changed over time in WBI's focus countries. This study is based on a regionally diverse sample with five time points, FY01-FY05...
This paper summarizes the World Bank Institute's (WBI) performance in its 34 focus countries in FY06 from the perspective of operational staff, the Institute's Evaluation Group (WBIEG) surveyed 61 senior...
The World Bank Group adopted a new Staff Learning Framework (SLF) in late FY01 to align learning with core business needs. At the request of the Bank's Chief Learning Officer (CLO), the World Bank Institute...
As part of a larger initiative of thematic program evaluations, this evaluation examines the extent to which the Community Empowerment and Social Inclusion Program (CESI) achieved its objectives in FY02...
The World Bank Institute (WBI) and its partners deliver learning opportunities in 15 sector or thematic programs to policymakers, academics, business and community leaders, professionals and other civil...
The evaluation uses a two-stage regression model to examine the influence of time of activity delivery (i.e., fiscal year), country-level factors (e.g., GNI per capita), and activity-level features (e.g....
WBI's Social Protection Program supports the World Bank's mission to provide security, reduce vulnerability, and eradicate extreme poverty through knowledge and learning products for Bank staff and their...
This report evaluates staff learning activities offered in FY04. Institute Evaluation Group (IEG)compiled level one evaluation questionnaires completed by 4,750 respondents in 317 staff learning activities...
Poverty reduction remains the key global challenge. By building individual and institutional capacity in client countries, WBI aims to contribute to this mission. Through both traditional and distance...