At the request of the World Bank's Executive Board, the Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) has been conducting an evaluation of the Bank's involvement in global programs. The Phase 1 Report...
China's environmental degradation has developed over centuries, but record recent rates of economic growth have now widened environmental impacts and accelerated many adverse trends. China's urbanization...
For its level of socioeconomic development, China has widely been perceived as a country with an enviable record in public health. Recently, there are encouraging signs that health has become an important...
This paper attempts an evaluation of World Bank’s assistance to China for poverty reduction during the 1990s. It begins with a summary of China's performance in poverty reduction during the decade as a...
China's economic development since the opening of its economy in the late 1970s has resulted in an eight percent average annual rate of economic growth. Key facets of this growth are rapidly increasing...
China is the second largest energy consumer in the world and the largest producer and consumer of coal. Owing to its large coal resources, it is and will remain in the foreseeable future largely energy...
Infrastructure loans and credits (transport and energy) represent almost half the Bank's portfolio in China. The projects although large for the Bank and small relative to total Chinese investments in...
It is widely recognized in Chinese policy-making circles that the World Bank made a significant contribution to the country’s enterprise reform in the 1980s. A major contribution consisted of bringing...
In the 1980s at least, the World Bank had a significant, if not a large, role. Moreover, its research projects on enterprise reform in the 1980s and early 1990s played an important role in helping the...
The World Bank's transport lending strategy in China is constrained to a narrow window of opportunity. If there is a reasonable chance that a project will be financially viable without substantial government...
The magnitude and costs of pollution in China are still large, despite sustained government efforts over the last decade. China's environmental degradation has developed over centuries, but record recent...
Among the poorest segments of society, working children are unwitting participants in a vicious circle of poverty: Uneducated, poorly trained, and subject to illness, many of these children will continue...
Following the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in late 1985, governments recognized the need for stronger measures to reduce the production and consumption of a number of ozone depleting substances...
The Global Development Network's (GDN) stated objectives are to: 1) support multidisciplinary research in social sciences; 2) promote the generation of local knowledge in developing and transition countries;...
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) was formally created in Stockholm in December 1995, at a meeting of 56 organizations, including governments, multilateral banks, united Nations agencies, professional...
The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) traces its roots to a June 1994 Donor Working Group meeting in Paris. Subsequently, nine donors came together to establish the Consultative Group to Assist...
The prototype carbon fund (PCF) is a public-private partnership whose mission is to pioneer a market for project-based greenhouse gas emission reductions within the framework of the Kyoto protocol to the...
The Integrated Framework for Trade- Related Technical Assistance (IF) was established in 1997 as a trade-focused tool to accelerate poverty reduction and improve economic performance in the least developed...
This paper examines the links between governance and the Extractive Industries sector, and considers the implications of those links for the work of the World Bank. This evaluation takes place on the heels...
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched the poverty reduction strategy (PRS) initiative in 1999 to improve the planning, implementation, and monitoring of public actions geared...