This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Does community management help keep kids in schools? Evidence using panel data from El Salvador's EDUCO program, conducted...
Absenteeism among public health workers is common in developing countries. Absence rates among public health workers are above 25 percent in the five developing countries. However, the present study finds...
The paper augments Holmstrom’s (1982) team production model in the context of aid effectiveness. The analysis shows how donor proliferation leads to inefficient supply of aid in the recipient country because...
This book a collection of chapters is about one of the most pressing challenges in improving education quality in Latin America : designing and implementing effective incentives for enhancing teaching...
This paper investigates how community management of schools can affect educational outcomes, such as retention and repetition rates. In our model, parents make decisions about whether their children should...
Evaluating education reforms : four cases in developing countries; by Elizabeth M. King, and Peter F. Orazem. Do community-managed schools work? An evaluation of El Salvador's EDUCO program; by Emmanuel...
This article examines how decentralizing educational responsibility to communities and schools affects student outcomes. It uses the example of El Salvador's Community-Managed Schools Program (Education...