Today, one of the central tenets of development is the necessity for learning about and building upon stakeholders' and beneficiaries' insights, needs, culture, social organization, resources and active...
This report describes the Beneficiary Assessment (BA) study done to support the Multi-Country AIDS Program (MAP) in Niger in 2002. BA was chosen as a key research tool largely due to a drive for responsive...
Agricultural extension programs are under increasing pressure to show results in order to maintain financing from public budgets. Experience indicates that agricultural extension systems must respond to...
Beneficiary assessment is a qualitative research tool, used to improve the impact of development operations, by gaining the views of intended beneficiaries regarding a planned, or ongoing intervention...
This paper reviews beneficiary assessments (BAs) (defined as an approach to information gathering, which assesses the value of an activity, as perceived by its principal users) of agricultural extension...
Beneficiary assessment (BA) approach began under the names of participant-observer or qualitative evaluation in the early 1980s, gaining its present name in 1987. BA work is a stream of Bank operations...
The beneficiary assessment is the most widely used approach for listening and consultation in World Bank-supported projects. As such it plays a central part in the broader conceptual development activity...
Understanding the perspective of farmers is key to the success of any activity aimed at improving their lives. Agricultural extension, which provides information to increase farmers' production, is particularly...
A foundation stone of the World Bank's sharpened poverty strategy is to conduct Country Poverty Assessments in all borrowing countries within the next two years. These assessments have the following principal...
Beneficiary Assessment (BA) is a qualitative, social assessment method of investigation and evaluation that consists of three kinds of data collection techniques: (i) in-depth conversational interviewing...
Beneficiary assessment is a tool for managers who wish to improve the quality of development operations. This is an approach to information gathering which assesses the value of an activity as it is perceived...
This paper was originally prepared as part of a larger effort to assess the institutional aspects of development, particulary regarding public sector management. The Bank's central operating paradigm...
Beneficiary assessment is a tool to improve the quality of development operations. This is an approach to information gathering which assess the value of an activity as it is perceived by its principal...
The institutional focus of this paper, on the poor as necessary actors in development, is best seen in the context of the Bank's evolving approach to poverty reduction. During the first two decades of...
This report reviews 24 out of 202 Bank projects that involved nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in order to identify ways to improve Bank-NGO collaboration. It identifies five functional categories...
This is an account of the author's experience living among the poor inhabitants of the World Bank urban development projects in La Paz, Bolivia, and Guayaquil, Ecuador. By viewing slum upgrading and new...
To formulate this report on the evaluation of urban projects, the author conducted evaluative research by living with project beneficiaries for 14 months, divided equally between a low-income settlement...
Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issue: International Development Association (IDA) negotiations; new rules incorporate lessons learned: strengthening the appeals process; dowsing:...