This note summarizes findings from a research program at the World Bank to document the potential negative impacts of low educational attainment for girls and child marriage, and some of the related economic...
Reducing gender inequality makes economic sense apart from being the right thing to do. Achievinggender equality and empowering all women and girls is the fifth sustainable development goal and is a top...
Reducing gender inequality makes economic sense apart from being the right thing to do. Achievinggender equality and empowering all women and girls is the fifth sustainable development goal and is a top...
The proportions of girls marrying or having children before age of 18 have been declining slowly in Uganda according to data from the latest publicly available Demographic and Health Survey for 2016. Using...
Despite progress over the last two decades, girls still have on average lower levels of educational attainment than boys in many African countries, especially at the secondary and tertiary levels. Girls...
Despite progress over the last two decades, girls still have on average lower levels of educational attainment than boys in many African countries, especially at the secondary and tertiary levels. Girls...
This note summarizes findings from a research program at the World Bank to document the potential negative impacts of low educational attainment for girls and child marriage, and some of the related economic...
The Malawi Economic Monitor (MEM) provides an analysis of economic and structural developmentissues in Malawi. This edition was published in November 2018. It follows seven previous editions of the MEM...
Too many girls drop out of school prematurely, especially in low income countries. Low educational attainment for girls has negative consequences not only for them, but also for their children and household...
Each day, tens of thousands of girls worldwide are married while still children, often before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. Child marriage, defined as marriage...
The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage on a wide range of development outcomes. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals...
The attention given to the issue of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) as a harmful practice has been growing in recent years. Yet, while ending female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C, both...
The proportions of girls marrying or having children before the age of 18 have been declining in Uganda according to data from the latest publicly available Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) implemented...
This note provides a rapid summary of a first set of eight notes on girls’ education and child marriage in West and Central Africa. The eight notes were prepared ahead of the High level meeting on ending...
This note provides a rapid summary of a first set of eight notes in this series on girls’ education and child marriage in West and Central Africa. The eight notes were prepared ahead of the High Level...
This note provides a rapid summary of a first set of eight notes in this series on girls’ education and child marriage in West and Central Africa. The eight notes were prepared ahead of the High Level...
This note provides a rapid summary of a first set of eight notes on girls’ education and child marriage in West and Central Africa. The eight notes were prepared ahead of the High level meeting on ending...
Each day, more than 41,000 girls worldwide are married while still children, often before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. Child marriage, defined as marriage or...
The brief summarizes results from an analysis of the impacts of child marriage on a few selected health outcomes, specifically early childbirths, maternal mortality and intimate partner violence. It does...
The brief summarizes results from an analysis on the impacts of child marriage on women's decision-making ability within the household, land ownership, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and birth registrations. While...