Egypt has considerable potential to become a regional trade hub. A key challenge is how to leverage this potential to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth that benefits the country’s population at...
Enhancing Competitiveness in the Face of Disasters presents the case to government decision-makers, tourism private sector stakeholders, and development partners that the industry must act urgently to...
Tourism is an important sector for the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and provides jobs and opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but is currently not at its full potential. The...
The travel and tourism industry was one of the first sectors to be affected by COVID-19. Since March, the entire value chain that defines the industry — spanning airlines, bus and train companies, cruise...
This document is an output under the Shared Services Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) conducted by the World Bank in partnership with the Government of Bulgaria (GOB). The World Bank (WB) team is supporting...
Theory of Change in tourism is about understanding why and how change happens, so that development programs can make the most of the development potential of this sector. It is critically important that...
This report is the first to examine tourism in Africa comprehensively and regionally and the first to recommend practical, evidence-based measures enabling the sector’s economic and development power...
Tourism is one of the key industries driving the current economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From a small base of just 6.7 million visitors in 1990, SSA attracted 33.8 million visitors in 2012...
This paper includes the following headings: education public, private, and partnerships, or PPPs come of age; vouching for the future; mobile learning dials up success; U.S. Secretary of Education by Arne...
In addition to some of the most acclaimed beaches in the world, the Indian ocean islands offer one of the planet's greatest concentrations of biodiversity and stunning landscapes that include active volcanoes...
The island nation of Madagascar has a treasure trove of tourism assets, ranging from wildlife viewing to beach tourism to cultural encounters. Yet despite its undeniable tourism potential, its growth has...
For African countries looking to sustain and increase their unprecedented growth rates of recent years, the potential of tourism has not been fully recognized as a vital source of economic and development...
The World Bank, with its commitment to poverty alleviation has focused on facilitating enabling environments for investment and job generation by working with governments to strengthen the private sector...