Despite the growing body of literature examining the effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives, there remains limited substantiation for whether and how open budgeting contributes to...
This set of guidance notes is designed to support practitioners and evaluators in conducting retrospective evaluations of a capacity development intervention or portfolio to assess and document results...
This paper estimates the effect of school-based management on student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public schools in 23 school districts over a 3-year period...
The standard quality assurance and evaluation processes for World Bank investment lending operation projects have often been found inadequate for interventions with training, technical assistance, South-South...
A World Bank Institute (WBI) review of 194 WB operational projects with substantial capacity development components revealed critical issues related to the measurement of capacity development results...
This paper estimates the effect of school-based management on student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public schools in 23 school districts over a 3-year period...
This review identified recommendations for improving the quality of future World Bank Institute (WBI) programs. This review identified suggestions for increasing data quality to support WBI's programmatic...
WBI's Social Protection Program supports the World Bank's mission to provide security, reduce vulnerability, and eradicate extreme poverty through knowledge and learning products for Bank staff and their...
This report evaluates staff learning activities offered in FY04. Institute Evaluation Group (IEG)compiled level one evaluation questionnaires completed by 4,750 respondents in 317 staff learning activities...
This report evaluates WBI activities offered to Nigerian participants in FY02-03. The study uses both quantitative survey data based on participant responses (N=70), and qualitative data from interviews...
This paper analyses the level and determinants of WBI activity effectiveness and use by participants in five WBI focus countries: Brazil, Egypt, Russia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. It uses data drawn from...
This report examines participants' assessments of staff training. Specifically, it examines respondents' evaluations of training quality based on four dimensions: relevance to the Bank's mission; overall...
This report evaluates World Bank Institute (WBI) activities offered to Thai participants in FY01 and 02. The study uses both quantitative survey data based on participant responses (N=160), and qualitative...