Although Bhutan has made progress in recent years, notably by initiating the development of a domestic e-commerce ecosystem, gaps still remain. The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) has prioritized information...
Growth in Bhutan is estimated to have remained subdued in 2018-19 as hydropower production declined further. Inflation decelerated to its lowest level in 2018-19 since 2003, reflecting a rapid decline...
Despite its small population and land area, Bhutan is among the most rapidly urbanizing countries in South Asia. While this urbanization parallels robust economic growth and the expansion of job and investment...
Economic performance remains strong. Accelerating reform momentum after the 2018 general elections will be key to consolidating and furthering Bhutan’s development. Efforts aimed at enabling a vibrant...
Bhutan maintained solid growth and macroeconomic stability in the first half of 2017. However, delays in hydropower construction cloud macroeconomic prospects in the coming years. Given the size and importance...