Export subsidies, like import taxes, highly distort trade. Consequently, the WTO should act vigorously to achieve their phaseout. Commitments in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA) on export...
The conversion of all non-tariff measures into bound tariffs with reduction commitments and the introduction of minimum access commitments in the form of import quotas (as a share of domestic consumption)...
Domestic agricultural support was classified in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA) with a complex system of boxes that ranked programs according to their effect on trade. Policies deemed...
This volume presents the key findings of analytical work on important issues facing selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in the context of the new WTO round of trade negotiations in agriculture. In...
This paper takes a hard look at developments in agricultural policies since the Uruguay Round in the context of commitments made under domestic support. An overview of policy developments is presented...
The purpose of this paper is to summarize issues relevant for export state trading enterprises and identify an analytical framework to analyze their effects on welfare and trade. The authors analyze the...
This paper reviews and evaluates developments in agricultural policies since the Uruguay Round in the context of commitments made under export competition (through the use of export subsidies). An overview...
This discussion paper contains seven studies, designed to a) review, and assess the impact of the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture, and, b) to analyze the key issues, interests...
The Uruguay Round agreements on agriculture were intended to move member countries toward a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system. By progressively reducing domestic government support and...
The author evaluates the progress in agricultural liberalization -and the welfare effects for least-developed and net food-importing countries- as a result of agricultural price shocks resulting from the...
After evaluating the Uruguay Round's impact on agriculture and border protection in the next decade, the author concludes that while there was significant reform of the rules - particularly the conversion...
Hunger persists as a serious problem in many countries. However, this report clearly shows that the world food supply situation has been steadily improving and the prospects are good that this will continue...
What are the prospects for demand for the main foodstuffs, particularly rice, in the Philippines? Countries which have traditionally consumed rice as the basic staple such as Japan, the Republic of Korea...
Urbanization and income growth explain the increasing consumption of beef, pork, chicken, and wheat flour, and the proportionate decline in the consumption of rice, barley and fish. Continuing urbanization...