Energy demand in Arab countries continues to grow at a higher rate than economic growth. Meeting national electricity demand and exploiting their significant renewable energy resources (particularly, solar...
Ratings of Somali Petroleum Technical Assistance Project were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest. Some...
This note is intended to support ongoing efforts to promote Pan-Arab energy trade by highlighting the role and benefits of intra-regional electricity and gas exchange, with a view to improving energy security...
In January 2020, the energy ministers of seven countries and territories established the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum. EMGF’s objective is cooperation to overcome obstacles to exploitation of the region’s...
The development objective of Petroleum Technical Assistance Project for Somali is to strengthen the capacity of the Federal Government of Somalia to manage its petroleum sector. This restructuring requires...
Petroleum discovery in a country presents its policy makers with a challenging and complex task: formulating and agreeing on policies that will shape the country’s petroleum sector and guide the translation...