The World Bank Group Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A)1 flagship initiative sup-ports The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020–30) prepared by the African Union. The DE4A initiative recognizes...
The World Bank Group Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A)1 flagship initiative sup-ports The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020–30) prepared by the African Union. The DE4A initiative recognizes...
This report includes: the main drivers of job growth are under-performing at the firm level, vulnerability level, macroeconomic level, worker level, and policy level; and to solve the youth employment...
Angola is at a critical juncture and a multi-sectoral strategy is needed to stimulate job creation that will help build the economy and future prospects for young Angolans, while more deeply engaging youth...
Angola está num momento crítico e que é necessária uma estratégia multissectorial para estimular a criação de emprego que ajude a construir a economia e as perspectivas futuras para os jovens angolanos...
Entrepreneurship and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in creating more and better jobs. MSMEs across the world account for a large share of jobs. Many jobs created by MSMES...
This report presents a diagnostic of MSMEs and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Kenya. The report is organized in four chapters combining a comprehensive set of information assessing the entrepreneurship...
This report assesses agriculture policy support estimates in Angola. These estimates represent the monetary value assigned to different agriculture support policies and programs using the OECD methodology...
Guinea-Bissau’s massive economic potential has not so far translated into better livelihoods for its population. Growth per capita has averaged less than 1 percent per year over 2000-2019. This chapter...
This note looks at the experience countries have had in introducing reforms that improved the business environment. Instead of examining what was done (that is, the content of reforms), the focus is placed...
The importance of a good regulatory and institutional environment for business creation and growth is well established. Good regulations and a level playing field are particularly important to maximize...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) identifies opportunities to stimulate sustainable economic growth and development by harnessing the power of the private sector in Angola. Applying a sectoral...
Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world, with approximately 42 percent of the non-agricultural labor force classified as self-employed or employers. Yet most entrepreneurs...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) identifies opportunities to stimulate sustainable economic growth and development by harnessing the power of the private sector in Angola. Applying a sectoral...
The objective of this strategic framework is to mainstream citizen engagement in World Bank Group (WBG)-supported policies, programs, projects, and advisory services and analytics to improve their development...
Doing business in the Philippines 2008 is a new sub national report of the doing business series in East Asia, following the doing business report in China. Doing Business in the Philippines 2008 covers...