Burning off the gas coming out of oil wells—gas flaring—is a common practice in oil-producing developing countries. This economically wasteful and environmentally damaging process occurs because infrastructure...
In the Pacific, multitopic household surveys have historically gathered expenditure data using open form diaries completed on paper. This methodology is costly to governments, is burdensome for respondents...
Many developing countries lack spatially disaggregated price data. Some analysts use "no-price" methods by using a food Engel curve to derive the deflator as that needed for nominally similar households...
It is theoretically ambiguous whether growth of cities matters more to the rural poor than growth of towns. This paper empirically examines whether growth of India's secondary towns or big cities mattered...
It is theoretically ambiguous whether growth of cities matters more to the rural poor than growth of towns. This paper empirically examines whether growth of India’s secondary towns or big cities mattered...
The World Bank Economic Review is a professional journal used for the dissemination of research in development economics broadly relevant to the development profession and to the World Bank in pursuing...
Many developing countries lack spatially disaggregated price data. Some analysts use “no-price” methods by using a food Engel curve to derive the deflator as that needed for nominally similar households...
This paper studies how migration from a poor to a rich country affects key economic beliefs, preference parameters, and transnational household decision-making efficiency. The setting is the migration...
There is wide variation in how consumption is measured in household surveys both across countries and over time. This variation may confound welfare comparisons in part because these alternative survey...
The 2012-2013 poverty profile of the Solomon Islands presented in this report is based on the 2012-13 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) conducted by the Solomon Islands National Statistics...
This study examines the long-term impacts of international migration by comparing immigrants who had successful ballot entries in a migration lottery program, and first moved almost a decade ago, with...
Distance and location are the important determinants of many choices that economists study. Economists often rely on information about these variables that is self-reported by respondents in surveys, although...
Researchers often use unit values (household expenditures on a commodity divided by the quantity purchased) as proxies for market prices when calculating poverty lines and estimating consumer demand equations...