This paper presents results from four simulations of the impact of potential tax reforms in Pakistan on poverty, shared prosperity, and inequality. The simulations are carried out in the context of a dynamic...
This paper presents results from four simulations of the impact of potential tax reforms in Pakistan on poverty, shared prosperity, and inequality. The simulations are carried out in the context of a dynamic...
Does participation improve performance? Establishing causality with subjective data. Winners and losers in transition: returns to education, experience, and gender in Slovenia. An eclectic approach to...
Mexico has experimented with several tax instruments designed to promote private capital formation. Among such initiatives were general and industry-specific tax credits, employment tax credits, and corporate...
The authors developed a simple two-period general equilibrium model to analyze the macroeconomic impact of tax policies in Pakistan. They analyze two scenarios. In scenario 1, the investment tax credit...
This paper uses an intertemporal, disequilibrium framework to analyze the rapid increase in personal savings that has taken place in China since 1979. A theoretical model of savings behavior under rationing...