Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have been shown to increase
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention : evidence from...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Pitfalls of participatory programs: evidence from a randomized evaluation in education in India, conducted in between September...
This brief summarizes the turning a shove into a nudge? A 'labeled cash transfer' for education in Morocco. The transfer was made every two months during the 2008-2010 school years. Through a randomized...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled School governance, teacher incentives, and pupil-teacher ratios : experimental evidence from Kenyan primary schools, conducted...
Participation of beneficiaries in the monitoring of public services is increasingly seen as key to improving their efficiency. In India, the current government flagship program on universal primary education...
The authors report results from a randomized evaluation comparing three school-based HIV/AIDS interventions in Kenya: (1) training teachers in the Kenyan Government's HIV/AIDS-education curriculum; (2)...
There is a growing belief in development policy circles that participation by local communities in basic service delivery can promote development outcomes. A central plank of public policy for improving...
In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability...
Presenting the proceedings of the May 2003 World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), the volume imparts new research findings and discussions on key policy issues related to poverty...
Credible impact evaluations are needed to ensure that the most effective programs are scaled up at the national or international levels. Scaling up is possible only if a case can be made that programs...
This article evaluates the impact of a large cash transfer program in South Africa on children's nutritional status and investigates whether the gender of the recipient affects that impact. In the early...
Grandmothers and granddaughters : old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa, by Esther Duflo. Public policy and extended families : evidence from pensions in South Africa, by Marianne...