Like the East Germany's Trabant, the Ukrainian-made Zaporozhets was meant to be the people’s car, and as such it was the most affordable vehicle of the Soviet Union.In Western Ukraine, manufacturers from...
Today, nearly half of youth in the six South East European countries (SEE6) are not in the labor market, and one quarter is inactive—not in employment, education, or training. These poor outcomes partly...
The economic report comprises two parts: a macroeconomic report and a special topic on the issue of economic policy interest. According to the first part, in 2012 the EU11 economies have outperformed the...
This paper investigates the drivers of growth and prosperity in a group of eleven European countries -- Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia...
Using a unique dataset comprising information for more than 900 firms in the machine building sector in Belarus, this paper investigates the determinants of firm growth for an economy where state ownership...
This paper uses model averaging techniques to identify robust predictors of sovereign default episodes on a pooled database for 46 emerging economies over the period 1980-2004. Sovereign default episodes...
This issue includes the following: Corporate governance at the World Bank and the dilemma of global governance, by Ashwin Kaja and Eric Werker. Measuring household usage of financial services : does it...
The empirical literature on the relationship between natural disaster risk and investment in education is inconclusive. Model averaging methods in a framework of cross country and panel regressions show...
The author assesses empirically the relationship between natural disaster risk and investment in education. Although the results in the empirical literature tend to be inconclusive, using model averaging...
The positive relationship between years of education and income at the individual level is a well established empirical relationship. Decades of estimation of mincerian wage regressions have lead to a...
The degree of openness of a country tends to be found to be a robust determinant of growth in GDP per capita in cross-country and panel growth regressions. Furthermore, Ben-David (1996) shows that trade...
The Solow model of economic growth (Solow, 1956, Swan, 1956) concludes that poorer countries will tend to grow faster than richer ones-provided that countries share the same production function, savings...