Starting a business is a way for women to generate income and become more resilient when dealing with shocks. However, large gender gaps in formal entrepreneurship impede women’s livelihoods and global...
Across the developing world, millions of entrepreneurs – most of them women are engaged in a hybrid form of e-commerce that enables them to make money from local businesses conducted through social media...
Financial inclusion of smallholder families is considered one of several key conditions needed tospark sustainable agricultural development and food security. However, an analysis of national smallholder...
The main lesson from women, business and the law 2012 on legal gender inequality when it comes to getting a job is that there is room for improvement in all regions. All regions place restrictions on when...
Change is occurring, but it is happening slowly, and much remains to be done. Changes in women's rights in one economy or in one legal system can catalyze legal reform in others. The passage of the married...