Development debates frequently focus on making economic growth sustainable or ensuring that natural resources are used sustainably; such debates rest on longstanding scholarship and largely shared understandings...
Development is a dynamic, transformative process that fundamentally changes how people live. People are the means and ends of development-the goal of which is to equip, link, and enable groups of people...
The development of the private sector in Myanmar and its contribution to economic growth are set against a backdrop of continuing internal armed conflict. The growth of business and resolution of conflict...
The last two decades have witnessed an extraordinary spate of literature on large-scale subnational conflicts. Scholars have for the most part concentrated on why violent conflicts begin. As a consequence...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Community-based reintegration in Aceh (BRA) : assessing the impacts of BRA-Kecamatan Development Program (KDP), conducted...
Community-Driven Development (or CDD) projects are now a major component of World Bank assistance to many developing countries. While varying greatly in size and form, such projects aim to ensure that...
Community Driven Development (CDD) projects are now a major component of World Bank assistance to many developing countries. While varying greatly in size and form, such projects aim to ensure that communities...
Increasingly community-driven development (CDD) projects have been viewed as having the potential to address local conflicts and to increase local conflict management capacity. The project improves inter-group...
Increasingly community-driven development (CDD) projects have been viewed as having the potential to address local conflicts and to increase local conflict management capacity. The project improves inter-group...
Extortion by police and military personnel manning roadside security posts has been a consistent problem in each of Indonesia's areas of large-scale conflict. The staged withdrawal of security forces from...
Extortion by police and military personnel manning roadside security posts has been a consistent problem in each of Indonesia's areas of large-scale conflict. The staged withdrawal of security forces from...
This paper describes the impact of Aceh's Community-Based Assistance for Reintegration of Conflict Victims program (BRA-KDP). The program, implemented between August 2006 and August 2007, sought to address...
Violent conflict in Indonesia is in need of serious theoretical and policy attention. A new belief that conflict has de-escalated in Indonesia has crept into popular and policy circles. However, it is...
The Violent Conflict in Indonesia Study (ViCIS) is a new the World Bank project aimed at plugging gaps in the literature and adding to popular knowledge on violent conflict in Indonesia. The study aims...
This paper summarizes the methodological strategies and choices employed in an ongoing research project in Indonesia. The project seeks to (a) understand the trajectories that local level conflicts take...
Drawing on an integrated mixed methods research design, the authors explore the dynamics of the development-conflict nexus in rural Indonesia, and the specific role of development projects in shaping the...
This paper challenges the notion that addressing center-periphery inequality will in itself result in sustainable peace in Aceh. The authors argue that an evaluation of the (potential) impacts of the decentralization...
This report aims to examine in greater depth questions relating to the nexus between development and different forms of local conflict. It does so by examining how the World Bank/Government of Indonesia's...
The study's most significant finding was the pivotal role local actors and institutions played in preventing and managing conflict. While national agencies provided important policy guidelines, the success...
On August 15th, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) signed a peace accord in Helsinki aimed at ending a thirty year old armed conflict which has resulted in almost 15,000...