This discussion paper contains seven studies, designed to a) review, and assess the impact of the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture, and, b) to analyze the key issues, interests...
Creating a legal framework for economic development. The domestic benefits of tropical forests: a critical review. Poverty in Russia during the transition: an overview. How bad is unemployment in Tunisia?...
Does New Zealand’s success story have lessons for developing countries contemplating public sector reform? That question usually elicits one of two reactions, both inadvisable in the authors’ view. The...
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: negotiation: the high tech, low budget approach, by Mark Kosmo; are you stressed? You're not alone; lessons from New Zealand: what...
Policy changes in the European Community (EC), the world's largest importer and, since 1986, exporter of agricultural commodities, may have significant effects on world markets and developing countries...
Agricultural incentives in developing countries: measuring the effect of sectoral and economywide policies. Inflationary rigidities and orthodox stabilization policies: lessons from Latin America. Nutrients:...
When proposals for reform of tariff or subsidy policies are made, attempts to predict the effect on incentives are frequently hampered by the need for input-output technical data. This article develops...
The southward enlargement of the European Community (EC) is causing considerable concern among agricultural policymakers inside and outside the EC and especially within the fruit and vegetable subsector...
The issues discussed in this paper are based on recent studies on agricultural pricing and trade policy in developing countries conducted by the Trade and Adjustment Policy Division of CPD in the context...
This essay reviews and generalizes the recent experience of the World Bank in studies undertaken on pricing and trade policy in agriculture in developing countries. Five archetypical countries are used...
This paper puts in perspective the importance of the EC as a market for horticultural products and the development of this market over time. The contribution of the Bank to fruit and vegetable projects...
This essay reviews and generalizes the recent experience of the World Bank in studies undertaken on pricing and trade policy in agriculture in developing countries. Five archetypical countries are used...
The European Community is the major player in global agricultural trade. Not only is it the leading importer of agricultural goods, it is also the dominant exporter of a number of agricultural products...
The purpose of this study is to detail the incentive/disincentive structure in agriculture, agroprocessing and manufacturing generated by the various interventions taken by the government in those sectors...
The available evidence indicates that, in aggregate, the growth in world food production over the past two decades has more than kept pace with the growth in population. This paper analyzes recent trends...
Over the 1970s the Jamaican economy, including the agricultural sector, performed abysmally. Although many factors external to agriculture contributed to this poor performance, changes in the existing...
The available evidence indicates that, in aggregate, the growth in world food production over the past two decades has more than kept pace with the growth in population. This paper analyzes recent trends...
Typical problems connected with the forecasting of primary commodity prices and quantities are examined, and suggestions for the use of the 42 Bank forecasts are provided. Project economists are normally...