The global public sector healthcare workforce, including medical, administrative, and support staff, is central to the delivery of quality public health services. Effectively managing this workforce is...
The Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI) are a project of the Bureaucracy Lab at the World Bank. The Lab seeks to promote the use of evidence and technology in the study of the civil service through...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) face the dual and interlinked challenge of lack of jobs and low quality of public services. Labor force participation rates, especially of women, are among the lowest in Europe...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) face the dual and interlinked challenge of lack of jobs and low quality of public services. Labor force participation rates, especially of women, are among the lowest in Europe...
Effective management of public sector employment and compensation is a vital activity of governments, with broad implications for fiscal sustainability, public sector productivity, and the competitiveness...
This paper aims to provide a framework for conducting public sector employment and compensation assessments that can help develop evidence-based reforms. Such a framework is necessary given growing debt...
What is the appropriate level of employment in the public sector as a whole and for essential workers like public administrators, teachers, and doctors? Is the public sector wage bill affordable? Does...
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) crisis is unique and requires tough policy choices for managing the public sector wage bill to best achieve the difficult balance between fiscal consolidation, protection...
South Asia has benefitted from low oil prices and has proved resilient to the recent turmoil in international markets. The region’s growth prospects are strong and India confirms its position as the fastest-growing...