Ratings for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Project for Senegal (PEAMIR) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
Seguridad hídrica: la disponibilidad de una cantidad y calidad aceptables de agua para la salud, los medios de vida, los ecosistemas y la producción, junto con un nivel aceptable de riesgos relacionados...
The Project 22HR06 Croatia: Support to reduce water loss within the reform of the water sector is implemented through a number of activities over a period of 19 months (May 2022 - December 2023). This...
Water is a critical natural resource, a global public good, and an essential service. Water security is central for countries to achieve long-term development objectives in the current context of climate...
The development objective of Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project for India is to improve water service quality to a continuous supply across the three project cities of Hubli-Dharwad, Belgaum...
The development objective of the Emergency Water Security and Efficiency Project for Botswana is to improve availability of water supply in drought vulnerable areas, increase the efficiency of Water Utilities...
The objective of the GAMA Sanitation and Water Project will be to increase access to safe water and improved sanitation to people in the GAMA, with emphasis on the poor, and to improve operation and management...
The development objective of the Emergency Water Security and Efficiency Project for Botswana is to improve availability of water supply in drought vulnerable areas, increase the efficiency of Water Utilities...
South Africa is a water-scarce country. Annual precipitation is about 52 percent of the global average, and in most systems, dam sites and available yield are fully utilized (or overallocated), while there...
The development objective of the Water and Sanitation Development Project for Kenya is to improve water supply and sanitation services in select coastal and northeastern regions in Kenya. Some of the negative...
In policy and investment decisions, the consideration of all benefits and costs related to water provides the foundation for sustainable water management and long-term socio-economic development. The absence...
The Shanghai Urban Environment Project for China is intended to provide a sustainable environmental setting for the long term economic and social development in the Municipality of Shanghai while supporting...