The objectives of the Resilient Urban and Territorial Development Project for Bangladesh are to: (i) enhance access to climate resilient urban infrastructure and services in selected clusters, and (ii)...
Ushbu hisobot Toshkent shahridagi havo sifatini texnik baholashning asosiy natijalari (I qism) umumlashtirilib, ular asosida havo sifatini boshqarishni takomillashtirish (VHF) yo'l xaritasida sohaviy siyosat...
The development objective of the Scaling Up Urban Upgrading Project for Vietnam is to improve access to infrastructure in priority city areas and improve urban planning in the participating cities. Some...
Amid continuing urban growth and the accelerating effects of climate change, East Asian cities suffer from more extreme temperatures than surrounding rural areas - being up to 2 degrees Celsius hotter...
Amid continuing urban growth and the accelerating effects of climate change, East Asian cities suffer from more extreme temperatures than surrounding rural areas - being up to 2 degrees Celsius hotter...
The following report presents the results of analyzing 30 city-level Climate Action Plans (CAPs) from Latin America and the Caribbean region. The report is structured into two main sections. This first...
The following report presents the results of analyzing 30 city-level Climate Action Plans (CAPs) from Latin America and the Caribbean region. The report is structured into two main sections. This first...
The development objective of the Scaling Up Urban Upgrading Project for Vietnam is to improve access to infrastructure in priority city areas and improve urban planning in the participating cities. Some...
This paper extends recent research on satellite-based carbon dioxide measurement to an easily updated template for tracking changes in carbon dioxide concentrations at local and regional scales. Using...
This book rests on the thesis that while each city is unique,the global challenges resulting from urban sprawl areuniversal. Three types of sprawl afflict growth throughout theplanet: the low-density sprawl...
This paper introduces a Spatial Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (SVARMA) model in which multiple cross-sectional time series are modeled as multivariate, possibly fat-tailed, spatial autoregressive...
The Cost of Air Pollution: Strengthening the economic case for action, a joint study of the World Bank and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), seeks to estimate the costs of premature...
The specific objective of this Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is to describe the measures that will be implemented to ensure a situation that is stable and acceptable from an environmental...
The development objective of the Zhuzhou Brownfield Remediation Project for China is to support redevelopment planning and site remediation in Zhuzhou Qingshuitang core industrial area to reduce public...
The development objective of the Sustainable Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Management Project for Egypt is to improve the management and disposal of targeted stockpiles of obsolete pesticides, including...