The publication of nearly 600,000 new species occurrence maps using Global Biodiversity Information Facility data provides an opportunity to reassess international species protection with broader representation...
The world is experiencing a severe loss of biodiversity, highlighting the need for a strong global conservation strategy. Effective conservation depends on accurate information about where endangered species...
Este documento busca informar el proceso de descentralización de las políticas de fomento productivo en Chile, para ayudar a crear consensos y generar una hoja de ruta. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo los...
Acest raport discută despre infrastructura verde și albastră a orașului București; biodiversitatea urbană, natura urbană, inclusiv calitatea factorilor de mediu; și tranzitul sedimentelor, colmatarea și...
This report discusses the green and blue infrastructure of Bucharest City; urban biodiversity, urban nature, including quality of environmental factors; and sediment transit, silting and eutrophication...
This environmental assessment for the India - Rampur Hydropower Project identifies environmental impacts which are likely to occur as a result of the construction and operation of the project. Some of...