This guide offers recommendations for enhancing the resilience of telecommunications infrastructure, aiming to assist practitioners in designing, preparing, and implementing resilient projects, and to...
The Ethiopian government, through Ethio telecom, often imposes nationwide, politically motivated internet filtering. Under a 2012 law regulating the telecommunication industry, attempts by journalists...
This review was conducted using secondary data combined with key informant interviews aiming to (1) understand the current state of telemedicine services in Viet Nam, their business models and challenges;...
The overview of the flow of the Population and Housing Census (PHC) integrated system, the first section, presents the main phases of the data collection processes organization, using the physical and...
This document has five sections. The first section provides an overview of the data quality and coverage concerning the PHC, of the importance of data quality for statistical production, of the attributes...
The report has three sections. The first section provides an overview of the PHC data collection system’s physical and logical protection and security measures that were applied during the census at cross-organizational...
La adopción generalizada de las tecnologías digitales está transformando la forma en que interactúan las personas, las empresas y los gobiernos, además de crear nuevas oportunidades para impulsar la prosperidad...
This document has five sections. The first section provides an overview of PHC piloting process in the view of institutional arrangements, organizational aspects and expected data collection and specific...
This report is presenting Recommendations to develop the technical documentation in view of organizing the procurement of an integrated IT system including, hardware (including tablets) and software (licenses)...
El Perú ha hecho progresos sólidos para alcanzar el aseguramiento universal en salud. No se trata de un camino fácil, pues el reto es contar con un sistema en el que la población pueda compartir el riesgo...
El riego es fundamental para la gestión de recursos hídricos y la adaptación al cambio climático. Es necesario continuar el avance hacia una agricultura productiva y competitiva en las tres regiones agroclimáticas...
El nivel superior del sistema educativo peruano es amplio, heterogéneo, y, hasta hace poco, carecía de regulación y estándares claros de calidad. Con altas tasas de matriculación y subempleo, es necesario...
The Economic Updates series presents a summary of the analytical work of the World Bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and aims at stimulating the dialogue over options for long term economic...
Communications are an essential means for reaching the, bottom of the Pyramid, and enabling individuals to reduce poverty and improve the quality of their lives. We currently live in a world in which more...