Bulgarian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report shows that Poland is the frontrunner in clean tech value chains, standing to benefit from the opportunities that the green transition may bring. Poland exports more, specializes in more complex...
This paper highlights the impacts of climate change on education outcomes in Tanzania through an analysis of the education landscape, ongoing government response to climate change through education programs...
Los avances tecnológicos pueden causar importantes alteraciones en los mercados laborales. En este informe, se examina el impacto de las computadoras, los robots, la IA y la mejora de las TIC en los mercados...
Knowledge packages (KPs) are short, pragmatic guides on individual topics within EdTech, meant to provide sufficient knowledge and understanding so that non-technical stakeholders can make key planning...
Durante los últimos diez años, los investigadores se han venido enfocando cada vez más en el vínculo entre la mala gobernanza, la corrupción y el crecimiento económico. La evidencia entre países ha demostrado...
The development objective of the Modernizing Education, Skills, and Administrative Reforms (MASAR) Operation for Jordan is to improve access to foundational learning and to labor market-relevant technical...
Ratings for the Second Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was high...
The development objective of the Resilience, Inclusion, Skills, and Equity Project for The Gambia is to increase: (i) foundational learning of early‐grade students; (ii) access to job‐relevant training...
OECS Skills and Innovation Project aims to promote transversal and advanced technical skills among youth, strengthen regional cooperation in post-secondary education, and foster collaborative innovation...
In 2020, the G20 prioritized enhancing cross-border payments. The updated Roadmap (FSB 2023a) specifies actions to be undertaken to take forward the work focused on three priority themes. IMF and World...
The development objective of the Skills and Innovation Project for Caribbean is to: (i) enhance youth transversal and advanced technical skills, strengthen regional collaboration in post-secondary education...
Ratings for the Skills Development and Employability Project for Gabon were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
The Leveraging State Data Ecosystems for State and District-Level Policy and Planning Forum was held on November 17, 2023, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The Forum was organized by NITI Aayog and the government...
This newsletter highlights: featured works on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems; essential reading; what’s brewing at the WBG?; and help desk.
The development objective of the Education and Skills for Employability Project for Ethiopia is to improve employment outcomes of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system of Ethiopia...
Tanzania’s rapidly growing population, particularly its youth, faces challenges in entering the labor market due to limited employable skills. This policy note first reviews the demand-side factors including...
This report provides an overview of Zambia’s labor market, highlights key potential sectors for future economic development and employment growth, and analyses the challenges faced by the technical education...
Ratings for the Skills Development Project for Uganda were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some lessons learned...