This study aims to re-visit the concept and practice of social housing, take stock of good practices and innovations, as well as the failures of social housing, and suggest ways in which the World Bank...
Government initiatives to reduce the housing deficit in Colombia go back more than a hundred years, but it was only after the creation of the Ministry of Housing as an independent agency, a decade ago...
While Bulgaria’s housing sector faces numerous challenges that affect large parts of the populations, marginalized communities find themselves in particularly precarious housing situations. The objective...
In September 2017, Hurricane Irma devastated housing on the island of Sint Maarten. Between January and March of 2019, a World Bank team carried out this Rapid Housing Sector Diagnostic. The Diagnostic...
The role of the public sector in housing delivery in many developed economies evolved from government as builder in the post-War era in the 1950s when the government directly constructed and delivered...