This note intends to provide policy makers in developing countries with a clear understanding of the role and importance of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) for enhancing cyber resilience...
These remarks were delivered by the World Bank Group President David Malpass, addressing Challenges to Growth, Security and Stability- Scene-Setter speech on April 12, 2022. He spoke about again living...
These remarks were delivered by the World Bank Group President David Malpass, addressing Challenges to Growth, Security and Stability- Scene-Setter speech on April 12, 2022. He spoke about again living...
These remarks were delivered by the World Bank Group President David Malpass, addressing Challenges to Growth, Security and Stability- Scene-Setter speech on April 12, 2022. He spoke about again living...
In this quarter, the Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program (TDRP) made progress in supporting the plan and implementation for the African Union DDR Program (DDRP), maintains its technical...
During April to June 2017 quarter, the transitional demobilization and reintegration program (TDRP) made progress in supporting implementation for the next phase of the African Union DDR Program (DDRCP)...
During this quarter the Transitional demobilization and reintegration program (TDRP) made significant strides in supporting planning for the next phase of the African Union DDR Program (DDRCP) and has...
During October to December 2016 quarter the transitional demobilization and reintegration program (TDRP) made significant strides in supporting planning for the next phase of the African Union (AU) disarmament...
The Internal Audit Vice Presidency (IADVP) is an independent and objective assurance and advisory function designed to add value to the World Bank Group (WBG) by improving the operations of the WBG organizations...
The 5th ICP 2011 Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting as well as the 4th Regional Coordinators (RC) meeting, agreed on the need for a global price validation stage relating to the Household Consumption...
This press release announces that the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on July 8, 2010, discussed a new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Pakistan, and endorsed a proposed lending program...
This note is one of a series of guidance notes prepared on specific topics to support implementation of the rapid response policy as committed to by Management. It has been prepared to provide Bank staff...