Romania’s innovation performance has not kept pace with the country’s rapid economic growth over the last several decades. To address this poor innovation performance, the Government of Romania (GoR) has...
Acest raport se referă la start-upuri și la organizațiile de sprijin din România. Acesta conține o evaluare și recomandări pentru îmbunătățirea funcționalității și eficacității instituțiilor intermediare...
R&D tax incentives (RDTIs) are among the most popular instruments that governments in both developing and developed economies employ to induce private investment in research and development (R&D). RDTIs...
This report provides an analysis of efforts undertaken by six countries to modernize their public research sectors via observations regarding key trends. The report presents internationally accepted good...
Prezentul document face parte din Livrabilul 2 din cadrul Acordului de Servicii de Asistență Tehnică Rambursabile (RAS) privind Modernizarea cercetării în România: Îmbunătățirea calității și relevanței...
We introduce endogenous technological change in a multi-sector recursive dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. We consider the optimisation problem of technology firms that can choose the...
This research identifies factors that affect the technological transition of firms toward industry 4.0 technologies, focusing on capabilities and policy impacts using relatedness and complexity measures...
This report aims to provide a systematic account of the public agricultural R&D and extension system of China, identify the R&D investment in supporting sustainable development, and explore how to promote...
This press release announces on November 2, 1976 that the twelve international agricultural research centers and programs grouped under the umbrella of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural...
This press release announces that Brazil will implement agricultural research project with the assistance of a World Bank loan of forty million US dollars. The project is designed to strengthen, over a...
This press release announces on May 15, 1975, that the World Bank has approved a loan of twenty-eight million US dollars to Malaysia to help finance an agricultural research and extension project. The...
This press release announces on May 15, 1975, that the World Bank has approved a loan 'of twenty-one million US dollars to Indonesia to help finance an agricultural research and extension project designed...
This press release announces on December 12, 1974, that Nigeria has declared its intention to become a donor member of an international grouping of countries and foundations dedicated to increasing food...