Many people in the global south access housing through informal rental markets, but remarkably little is known about how these markets work or the quality of the accommodations on offer. This paper draws...
In September 2017, Hurricane Irma devastated housing on the island of Sint Maarten. Between January and March of 2019, a World Bank team carried out this Rapid Housing Sector Diagnostic. The Diagnostic...
This study aims to provide practical solutions for expanding access to affordable housing and infrastructure services for employees of Industrial Parks, and to recommend strategies and programs (including...
Affordable housing is an important policy agenda in Rwanda, where housing challenges are serious. To serve more than half of the population, Rwanda needs a radical change in its approach to housing that...
This paper is part of a series of four Urban Policy Notes that provide a critical review on emergent challenges to Bhutan’s increasing urbanization and its ramifications for growth, livability and sustainability...
Bulgaria’s housing sector provides a window into the broader issues of the country’s social, political, and economic transformation in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region over the last 25 years. The...
Bulgaria’s housing sector provides a window into the broader issues of the country’s social, political, and economic transformation in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region over the last 25 years. The...
Bulgaria’s housing sector provides a window into the broader issues of the country’s social, and economic transformation. This process has been difficult, and, as was the case in many transition countries...
Affordable housing will be instrumental to helping Vietnam achieve its goals for increasing productivity and inclusive urban growth. Since Doi Moi, the country has experienced impressive economic growth...
Affordable housing will be instrumental to helping Vietnam achieve its goals for increasing productivity and inclusive urban growth. Since Doi Moi, the country has experienced impressive economic growth...
The Government of Romania (GOR) has asked the World Bank to support its efforts to harmonizepublic investments financed by the European Union and from the State budget. The objectives of thiswork are to...