The development objective of Education Enhancement Project for Zambia is to improve the quality of teaching and learning conditions in targeted primary and secondary schools and to increase access to secondary...
Tertiary education systems in South Asia have undergone significant changes in the past two decades, making spectacular progress in expanding and enhancing their tertiary education systems. Each country...
Kazakhstan needs a strong human capital base driven by high quality education for all to enable economic growth, social cohesion and national prosperity. Yet, the potential of human capital as an engine...
The objective of this report is to provide inputs into the decision-making at the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania (GSG) on how a dedicated team, a Task Force, can help ministries strengthen...
The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) was established in 2005, based on the government emergency ordinance on quality assurance in education, and the subsequent law. The...