The development objective of the Digitally Connected and Resilient Samoa Project for Samoa is to increase resilient, and inclusive use, of broadband internet and enhancing delivery of digitally enabled...
The development objective of the State of Bahia Proactive, Safe, and Resilient Road Asset Management Program Project for Brazil is to improve access to sustainable, safe, and resilient transport in selected...
This study provides guidance on World Bank involvement in Digital Communications Infrastructure (DCI) projects in which finance has been extended to support build-out. In particular, the study provides...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) has an extensive experience supporting and structuring transportation projects in emerging markets, through project finance, corporate finance, and public-private...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Togo to be at moderate risk of external debt distress and high overall risk of public debt distress—unchanged from the DSA published in April 2020. While...
Cameroon remains at high risk of debt distress while its overall debt sustainability indicators have been broadly stable compared to the previous debt sustainability analysis (DSA) report published in...
This document complements the Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects (Volume I, Volume II, and Volume III). These Guidelines recommend that USPs, when accepted...
Ratings for the Public-Private Partnerships and Public Investment Advisory Project for Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory...
With World Bank support from 2000 to 2015, the Government established successful Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the water sector. Such private sector participation was viewed by the Bank and Government...
Cambodia remains at low risk of external and overall debt distress under the low-income countries’ debt sustainability framework (LIC-DSF). The current debt-carrying capacity remains consistent with a...
The objective of this report is to help governments of emerging economies to better understand the increasing impact of disruptive technologies on PPP infrastructure projects. The report also seeks to...
The need for public-private partnership (PPP) contract management has led to the development of guidance by multilateral agencies based on global research and lessons learned from operational projects...
This Guidance is intended for governments who wish to include public-private partnerships in their toolkit of methods for delivering infrastructure assets and services. It explains why a suitable PPP legal...
This synthesis report is part of the assignment ‘Identification and Evaluation of Market-Based Models and Public-Private Partnership Options for Non-Sewered Sanitation Services in Selected Cities and Towns...
The World Bank Group is preparing its Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the Republic of Belarus for the fiscal period 2018-22. During preparation period of the CPF, the Group holds a series of consultations...
Many small developing states facing climate and social vulnerabilities are struggling to develop high quality, efficient and accessible infrastructure. While private investment in infrastructure is not...
The purpose of this study is to serve as a guide on developing Greenfield transport infrastructure (rail and port) primarily used to support mining operations (mining-related infrastructure), through public-private...
This brief highlights several public-private partnerships (PPP) with the city of St. Petersburg, including the successful modernization of Terminal 1 of Pulkovo International Airport. In addition, the...
On December 4, 2007, the World Bank and Merck and Co., Inc., today announced an initiative to raise US$50 million to help eliminate river blindness, a leading cause of preventable blindness, in 28 African...