The Subnational public finance report is the first in a series of World Bank reports that analyze local and regional government fiscal and financial developments in Croatia. The objective of this work...
The report presents an analysis of the adoption and implementation of accrual accounting in the public sector to explore its role in providing information on fiscal sustainability, informing economic analysis...
The development objective of the Progestão Program: MPA Phase 1 State of Rio Grande do Sul Project for Brazil is to strengthen efficiency of public resource management and support fiscal sustainability...
Ratings for the Public Sector Reform for Results Project for Ghana were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest...
The new political context emerging from the May 2024 elections provides a unique opportunity for South Africa. The alignment of economic and political incentives, in the sense that improving the economy...
The development of objective of the Second Strengthening Public Financial Management Project for Micronesia is to improve fiscal management practices and increase fiscal transparency at the national government...
The development objective of Strengthening Public Financial Management Project for Haiti is to strengthen government capacity and transparency in public revenue mobilization and financial management. This...
How can Zimbabwe create the necessary fiscal space to absorb quasi-fiscal expenditures, reverse its upward trend in public debt, and support macroeconomic stability? Zimbabwe is faced with an unsustainable...
Timor-Leste hasoru momentu definitivu ida iha ninia perkursu ekonómiku. Enkuantu nasaun buka atu halo tranzisaun hosi dependénsia petrolíferu ba ekonomia ida ne'ebé diversu no reziliente liu, risku sira...
Timor-Leste enfrenta um momento decisivo no seu percurso económico. À medida que o país procura fazer a transição da dependência do petróleo para uma economia mais diversificada e resiliente, os riscos...
Eswatini’s fundamental policy challenge is to address the longstanding factors that have constrained growth and hindered broad-based improvements in living standards. Given the state’s significant role...
Timor-Leste faces a defining moment in its economic journey. As the country seeks to transition from petroleum dependency to a more diverse and resilient economy, the stakes cannot be higher. The Petroleum...
As of December 31, 2024, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to have profound physical, socioeconomic, and environmental impacts, which will be felt for generations. This fourth Rapid Damage and Needs...
Strengthening public financial management (PFM) represents a critical aspect of the Government of Nepal’s (GON) strategy to improve governance, optimize the utilization of public resources, and promote...
This document collection explores governments' challenges and opportunities in managing public finances and resources effectively. It examines performance-based funding models, the need to adapt to climate...
The Second Growth Foundations Development Policy Operation (DPO) supports the authorities’ efforts to (i) strengthen the economic policy framework to facilitate a structural shift towards sustainable growth...