With the surge in publicly available high-resolution satellite imagery, satellite-based monitoring of smallholder agricultural outcomes is gaining momentum. This paper provides recommendations on how large-scale...
The South Asia energy unit of the World Bank is working with researchers from the Harvard Business School (HBS) on a series of South Asia gender and energy case studies. The case studies will look to employ...
Lima is the capital of and largest city in Peru, with an estimated population of about 10 million people. SEDAPAL, Lima’s water utility, provides water to most of the metropolitan region. While SEDAPAL...
An expanding body of literature has shown that better management practices can offer significant boosts to firms' productivity; this research illustrates that firms in South America are no exception. Using...
Mitigation of greenhouse gases in the land sector is complex and has a unique set of challenges. The most significant challenges arise from the geographically diffuse nature of the emissions sources (compared...
One of the most pervasive development issues related to the provision of rural water supply and sanitation services (RWSS) is their lack of sustainability. Assessing and measuring sustainability is a difficult...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) makes an assessment of the progress toward achieving the objectives of the Paraguay Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the period FY15-FY18. It takes stock...