The development objective of No Bangsamoro Child Left Behind in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Project for Philippines is to improve learning outcomes of re-enrolled out-of-school-children...
By implementing proven interventions and adopting appropriate policies, countries can make substantial progress. The West and Central Africa Education Strategy (World Bank, 2022) provides specific recommendations...
The objective of the Learning, Equity and Accountability Program Support Project for Philippines is to improve the quality of grades 1 to 3 reading and math skills of children in Target Regions and Target...
The economic and social prospects are daunting for the 89 million out-of-school youth who comprise nearly half of all youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Within the next decade, when this cohort becomes the core...
Worldwide, some 57 million primary school age children don't have the chance to go to school. Many factors hold these children back: poverty, poor health and overcrowded or faraway facilities. The problem...
This Non-Formal Education and Training for Children and Youth in Rural Balochistan project will establish an innovative non-formal education (NFE) system, fully aligned with thesocial, cultural, and skill...
The purpose of this report is to share with policymakers and implementers of youth programs in the Philippines and elsewhere, what has been learned about the situation of out-of-school youth and children...
This news release, dated August 21, 2003, announces the World Bank approved a 31 million dollars credit to expand access to primary and secondary education and improve educational quality at all levels...