Liberia is one of the poorest countries, ranking 180th out of the 190 countries in the World Bank’s development database. Based on the national poverty line, 59 percent of Liberians were poor in 2016...
This note presents the results of the analysis of Value Added Tax (VAT) and Corporate Income Tax (CIT) compliance and policy gap estimates in Indonesia between 2016 and 2021. The study's objective is to...
Ratings of Family Support Project for Sudan were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some...
This paper uses a multi-methodological approach to measure the fiscal costs of monetary and exchange rate policy distortions in Zimbabwe. It identifies three channels through which these policy distortions...
While the state played a strong role in South Korea’s development, the state itself underwent a push for reforms in terms of promoting effective as well as impartial institutions. At the outset, institutional...
The new political context emerging from the May 2024 elections provides a unique opportunity for South Africa. The alignment of economic and political incentives, in the sense that improving the economy...
The new political context emerging from the May 2024 elections provides a unique opportunity for South Africa. The alignment of economic and political incentives, in the sense that improving the economy...
Panamá ha registrado un significativo crecimiento económico en las últimas tres décadas, pero las desigualdades del mercado laboral han impedido que los beneficios del crecimiento se distribuyan de manera...
The Country Opinion Survey in Senegal assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Senegal perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national...
Ethiopia faces political, economic, and humanitarian challenges. Support from the international community weakened notably during the two-year conflict in Tigray but is now resuming. Bunching of debt service...
Timor-Leste enfrenta um momento decisivo no seu percurso económico. À medida que o país procura fazer a transição da dependência do petróleo para uma economia mais diversificada e resiliente, os riscos...
Timor-Leste faces a defining moment in its economic journey. As the country seeks to transition from petroleum dependency to a more diverse and resilient economy, the stakes cannot be higher. The Petroleum...
This memorandum provides the quarterly update of IBRD’s lending rates and spreads pursuant to the standard loan pricing as defined in the Bank Policy and Directive Financial Terms and Conditions of Bank...
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Ukraine according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Afghanistan according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Uzbekistan according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Paraguay according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Timor-Leste according to key performance indicators.